jueves, 12 de mayo de 2011

The last Sherlock Holmes’ story

This story is about one of the famous cases of the best and most important detective of all England, Sherlock Holmes and his always friend the doctor Watson.
This story started in the old London, a murder is in the streets and the police can’t find him. He’s a series murder, who is killing young and beautiful women in the London’s streets. That man is known like Jack the murder!
I really like this story because of its mystery and its unexpected final.
Well, this story started when the police went to looking for Holmes asking for his help to capture that mystery murder. So, Sherlock began to investigate.
In those days Sherlock was a little depress because there were not interesting cases to resolve of smart criminals. But this new case looked like a god case for him. Finally someone as intelligent as Sherlock is! Holmes went to the place where the murder killed his victims and started to think about that. He remembered a so intelligent and mathematic guy, he was the only criminal that Sherlock never could catch.
Sherlock was so sure that he was Jack the murder and that he was looking for killing him! So, Holmes escaped. Some day later Holmes came back and went to his friend Watson’s house. Watson was just married and was living with his new wife. Watson was afraid because Sherlock looked strange. Sherlock was consuming cocaine and because he needed feel his life.
Holmes told Watson that he knew how to catch the murder so they went to a old London street and started to wait for a killing.  A few minutes ago Sherlock said Watson: “I’m going to do something, wait for me right here”. And he went away. Watson didn’t know what to do so he decided to follow him. Watson looked as Sherlock entered to a place and then went out with a totally different aspect. Sherlock went and started to talk with a so beautiful woman. And then they when to a hotel, Watson still followed then.
At the midnight Sherlock woke up and took a knife, Watson was outside the window watching that.  Sherlock started to kill the woman, but that was not Sherlock that was other person in Sherlock’s body. Watson was in chock, his friend was a killer, the killer who they were looking for!
The end is the best part to me! Watson and Sherlock were in a waterfall and when Sherlock discovered that he is the murder he jump into the waterfall and died. That’s sad but I like that ending! I liked so much that story!

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