jueves, 12 de mayo de 2011


I am going to write about how to do homemade donuts? It’s a really really easy recipe and you can do it with your friends, children, boy/girlfriend or with somebody you want to.

-      1 cup flour
-      1 egg
-      3 / 4 cup milk
-      1 / 2 cups baking powder
-      4 tablespoons sugar
-      Oil


1.    You have to mix all dry ingredients in a bowl: the flour, the sugar and the baking powder.
2.    After that you have to mix the others ingredients.
3.    You have to mix all those ingredients even become a mass.
4.    In the other hand you spread a little flour on the kitchen table and put the mass there.
5.    After you start to make a ball with the mass and then make the mass a area of 5 cm of wide.
6.    Then with a glass you make circles in the mass and after that with a bottle cap you make the smallest circles of the donut.
7.    Then you have to wait fifteen minutes, to the mass grew up.
8.    While you put the oil in the stove.
9.    After the fifteen minutes you put the donuts I the oil for one minute per each side.
10.  Then you spread some sugar in a napkin and put the donut over it.

This is a so delicious and so easy recipe and I like it so much because I love donuts!

The Gods Must Be Crazy

It is a really crazy, a little complicated for explaining and it is so funny, I laughed a lot when I was watching it!

This movie is about 3 different stories of crazy moments in the life of nine people in Africa. First there were two men, who were looking for elephants, or well I think so, I am not sure. Those men were not good men because they were hunters and they were looking for elephants I think for selling them but they could not find any.

And there were two white guys, a woman and a man. They were travelling to somewhere.  But their plane when they were travelling was damaged. So, they went down between the desert. They tried to repair it but they couldn’t. The man made a hole in the plane’s floor for trying to run for the plane fly. But that was not a good idea because, well the plane flew but with only the girl inside it. And she didn’t know how to fly a plane, so crashed with a tree (I think so) and she had to come back to looking for the guy so, she began to walk. And the guy was looking for her too. That guy had no good luck because while he was walking a raccoon began to follow him. It followed him a lot of time and when he could escape from it a scorpion stung him!  “Oh! Poor guy” I though. So he obviously could not walk and he just lay on the ground.  In that moment an African guy find him and helped him. That African guy was looking for his children who were in the hunter’s car. So, when he finished helping him, he when to looking for the girl and say her that he was found her friend. When he found her she was with two soldiers.
Those soldiers were fighting because they were from enemy. So, each one wanted to capture the other one. When the African guy found them he told the girl about her friend so she and the soldiers when for him but the soldiers like prisoners of her. And the African went away.
The girl and her new prisoners found the unlucky man and they looked for the plane and for repairing it.

And the African guy’s children were inside the hunter’s car. That part was so sad because they were hungry, lost and thirsty. They were two children the oldest one was about 7 years old and the youngest one was about 5 years old. They were just children. But the oldest one was looking for foot and for water for his little brother or sister. But he fell down the car and his little brother or sister was still in the car, so he began to follow the car. And as the youngest one was so afraid because he or she was alone he/she jump out the car and went to find his brother.

So at the end of the movie (because it’s a little bit complicated to explained it) the African guy find his children, the hunters were captured, the soldiers were free and the white guy could repair their plane and followed their destiny.
It’s a really crazy movie and so funny, I enjoyed a lot watching it!

The last Sherlock Holmes’ story

This story is about one of the famous cases of the best and most important detective of all England, Sherlock Holmes and his always friend the doctor Watson.
This story started in the old London, a murder is in the streets and the police can’t find him. He’s a series murder, who is killing young and beautiful women in the London’s streets. That man is known like Jack the murder!
I really like this story because of its mystery and its unexpected final.
Well, this story started when the police went to looking for Holmes asking for his help to capture that mystery murder. So, Sherlock began to investigate.
In those days Sherlock was a little depress because there were not interesting cases to resolve of smart criminals. But this new case looked like a god case for him. Finally someone as intelligent as Sherlock is! Holmes went to the place where the murder killed his victims and started to think about that. He remembered a so intelligent and mathematic guy, he was the only criminal that Sherlock never could catch.
Sherlock was so sure that he was Jack the murder and that he was looking for killing him! So, Holmes escaped. Some day later Holmes came back and went to his friend Watson’s house. Watson was just married and was living with his new wife. Watson was afraid because Sherlock looked strange. Sherlock was consuming cocaine and because he needed feel his life.
Holmes told Watson that he knew how to catch the murder so they went to a old London street and started to wait for a killing.  A few minutes ago Sherlock said Watson: “I’m going to do something, wait for me right here”. And he went away. Watson didn’t know what to do so he decided to follow him. Watson looked as Sherlock entered to a place and then went out with a totally different aspect. Sherlock went and started to talk with a so beautiful woman. And then they when to a hotel, Watson still followed then.
At the midnight Sherlock woke up and took a knife, Watson was outside the window watching that.  Sherlock started to kill the woman, but that was not Sherlock that was other person in Sherlock’s body. Watson was in chock, his friend was a killer, the killer who they were looking for!
The end is the best part to me! Watson and Sherlock were in a waterfall and when Sherlock discovered that he is the murder he jump into the waterfall and died. That’s sad but I like that ending! I liked so much that story!

World’s problems

There are so many problems in the world, problems like: corruption, killers, the environment pollution, teenagers killing themselves, drugs addiction and thousands of more problems.
I’m going to write about one of the problems that I think it’s closer to us at our university. That problem is the drugs addiction. I say that is closer to us because we can see at any time people between 16 to 30 years old consuming drugs at our university.  Those people are students; that’s so bad. So, I ask myself: why do they do that? What kind of problems do they have in their life to want doing that? Do they that for fun or what? And the most important question, how can we help them?
 Well, I think they consume drugs because of curiosity, because they want to experiment something different in their lives or maybe for forgetting problems that they are having. But they obviously know in what kind of things they are entering. They know all the problems that drugs addiction brings, and they still doing that.
But the point is how can we help them? Well, there are a lot of books, magazines, articles, conferences, chats and people who try to help the drug addicts saying them what are the problems for consuming drugs and why that is so bad. I think that if they know that they only consume drugs for having some fun. But consume is not the problem, I think the problem is how the drug addiction can affect their lives, If they are studying their career, their family, all their lives. If they try it once and no more it’s okay but if they try it and they like it, it’s possible that they can not go out of the drugs.  Because of that it’s so important that teenagers, kids, adults and all kind of people know what drugs can do and how you can avoid that.
I think that is a job for the families, because is in home where we learn all the values our lives.  Our parents are who tell us about what is bad in our society and how we can avoid that. They try to protect us about those problems but sometimes we say “that is never going to pass to me. I know who I am. I am smart. You don’t let me live my life, give me alone!” And we don’t appreciate our parents’ help. We must listen to them because they only want the best one for us.
We have to know about all the world’s problems and all society’s problem, and then we could avoid them or simply don’t be ignorant.